A breathalyzer test, to measure an automobile driver’s Blood Alcohol Content (BAC), is not always administered at the time and scene of a crash. I don’t know why it took four hours for Drew Forquer to have his BAC measured, but it registered at 0.045 percent, slightly more than half the legal limit of 0.08 percent.
Drew was convicted on Friday, June 17, 2011, of reckless homicide and aggravated drunken driving, but not “aggravated DUI charges that specified he was over the legal limit.”
…but the judge said it was clear to him simply from the results of field-sobriety tests, eyewitness testimony and Forquer’s “bizarre” turn — which was caught on surveillance video — that he was impaired.
The prosecution hired an expert witness to extrapolate Drew’s BAC at the time of the crash, “estimated…to be from 0.084 to 0.123 percent.”
What extrapolation means
Using evidence, prosecution and defense argue about the estimated BAC based on a variety of factors, including:
- witness statements about driving behaviors (prosecution)
- evidence of drinking before or during crash (prosecution)
- field sobriety test (prosecution)
- individual’s metabolism (defense)
- “what the driver ate or drank that day” (defense)
- other health issues (defense)
(The parentheses indicate which side used the factor in Drew Forquer’s case.)
In Drew’s case, his defense attorney argued that the BAC was lower because him having liver disease and chronic alcoholism would have slowed his metabolism (meaning alcohol would enter the blood stream more slowly).
Drew awaits sentencing, which can be from probation to 15 years in prison. They must be joking about probation – he’s gone to court for four previous DUI arrests!
More carnage culture articles
- From Steven Can Plan
- Streetsblog’s “The Weekly Carnage” feature
Story sources
Chicago Tribune – Thursday, June 16, 2011
Chicago Tribune – Friday, June 17, 2011
A taxi driver exited Lake Shore Drive and drove across the grass separating it from the Lakefront Trail. This photo, taken on July 4, 2010, is not related to the story above. Photo by Andrew Ciscel.